Last time we told you about a grant we received from the Kitchen Tables Charities Trust to build a perimeter wall at Deep Eye Water.
We are happy to say that the initial work has begun by sinking starter pillars into the ground.

The wall will run around a large compound to enclose a school, the vocational centre, workshops and creche. This will keep students and children safe and prevent potential vandalism of the buildings.

On Saturday October 5th we had a wonderful time of thanksgiving and celebration for the 10th birthday of SFFLS. Thank you to all who attended and heard testimonies of what God has done in Sierra Leone with Family Homes Movement. Birthday cake and bubbly ended the evening.

Ernest’s Visit.
Sadly Ernest’s visa was not approved for him and his son Joseph to come to the UK this time. We are praying that he will be able to come over at some point in the future.